Download these free resources to help make your organisation more innovative


Stakeholder Analysis: Stakeholder management is critical for the success of every project. By identifying the wide range of people affected by your project and by engaging with them in a timely manner, you can improve your success rate.

Risk Analysis: Business ventures are inherently risky. Sometimes these risks are outside your control, as when a disruptive technology changes the basis of competition. Planning and making contingencies can help control risks.

SWOT Analysis: SWOT Analysis is a planning tool used to evaluate the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats involved in a New Product Development project or in a business venture.

Personas: Before embarking on any project, it is vital to understand the needs of your customers. There are many methods for doing this, but one simple tool is to create an overview of the archetypal customer

Value Proposition: A simple formula to creating your value proposition


“True North Innovation brings a proven, systematic approach to research and analysis, particularly when modelling markets and customers.”

Jonathan Forbes,

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